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Carb loading before your race does not have to be anything crazy in terms of gorging yourself with garlic bread and pasta at that pre-race dinner—can we
Note: The data presented is based on the Sweetbeat app. HRV is a snapshot inside of us by measuring the health of our nervous system and stress,
If you’ve been experimenting with low-carb, fasting, or both, and are feeling that you’re actually doing worse (despite what “they” say should happen) it may be time to
When I was in grad school I was at the peak of my triathlon-obsessed days, and it always saddened me that I had to dig so deep
Yes, I said cereal. Let’s face it most of us grew  up on cereal. I loved ALL the cereal. But once I got wise to nutrition, I
Since writing my last post, which you can read here, Kim did his first-ever full Ironman–IM Maryland–which I know you were all eagerly waiting to hear about after
“Thanks to Tawnee’s cutting-edge coaching theories and approach, along with her nutritional advice (including her in-depth grocery lists, guide to fats, info on becoming fat-adapted, etc), and
For a while now, I’ve been on a quest to “clean up my lifestyle.” Late last year I got even more serious with it. And no, not
We’re doing things different with this post! I’m opening up this newsletter for a guest post written by the intelligent and talented athlete, Milly Wade-West, with whom
In my last post I mentioned it takes a long time to build fitness and you can’t expect overnight results nor a coach to work magic for