You’ve spent months training for that big race, and finally cross the finish line. Grab the finisher medal, devour the post-race feast, maybe indulge in a few
I used My Fitness Pal (MFP) to log every single morsel I put in my mouth for three years, and absolutely loved it. After meticulously sticking to
“Restriction” and “dieting” go hand in hand, or maybe you’re not dieting per se but you’re a restrictive eater. Either way there’s a common theme: We’ll deprive
I was terrified of sharks when I started ocean swimming. I’d hear the Jaws theme song in my head when I drove down to the beach. I’d
Welcome back to Women’s Corner, our new video series on LPC exclusively for women’s health topics and female-specific issues (but of course you dudes are more than
I found these facts fascinating and handy to know (especially #1); I thought you would too… 1. Sleeping on your right side helps activate the vagus nerve.
This round we feature guest Matt Bach, an elite triathlete and Ironman champion, as we dive into more on men’s health for active guys—and what can go wrong
January is a great time to reset the body, let go of past baggage, get over what didn’t happen, start afresh, end poor habits, adopt new healthier
Ok, so you have read Part 1 and learned that mental toughness starts within. If not click here to start. You are working on building a good
Preface by Tawnee Our guest author for this post is Julian Abel, a 58-year-old medical doctor in the UK. Julian and I started working together this year