There’s been a lot of hype about the benefits of cold thermogenesis (15-20 minute soaks in very cold water) for physical and mental performance. The touted benefits
Understandably, many women start to worry if they look at the calendar, do the math and realize they’re faced with doing their big race during the high hormone phase.
This is a high-fat, very nutrient-dense day of eating, with moderate carbs and plentiful calories that can work well for many female athletes. Female athletes who are
Last April, I spoke at a conference hosted by my friends at Inside Tracker the day before running the Boston Marathon. My speech was aimed at educating
Welcome back to Women’s Corner, our new video series on LPC exclusively for women’s health topics and female-specific issues (but of course you dudes are more than
The featured picture… worth a thousand words. That was 2013, the year we did Ironman Tahoe in the snow. Even though I had a DNF 90-something miles
It’s pretty standard that in every dinner I make, I use more than one cooking fat or oil, sometimes up to four fats and oils in one
A couple years ago when Dave Asprey’s mycotoxin-free Bulletproof coffee beans were “all the rage,” I dug into this topic to see if certain beans made a
I found these facts fascinating and handy to know (especially #1); I thought you would too… 1. Sleeping on your right side helps activate the vagus nerve.
This round we feature guest Matt Bach, an elite triathlete and Ironman champion, as we dive into more on men’s health for active guys—and what can go wrong