The following is a summary on the carbohydrate-health-hormone connection compiled by Dr. Tamsin Lewis (aka my UK sister), and it’s based on science presented in a Chris Masterjohn podcast—too
Prescription antibiotics can and will wreck your gut, especially if you’re not careful about incorporating probiotics to help repopulate your microbiome after treatment. Meanwhile, many common drugs
Preface by Tawnee Our guest author for this post is Julian Abel, a 58-year-old medical doctor in the UK. Julian and I started working together this year
I’ve always been a bit skeptical of the Training Mask’s actual benefits—can that really replace high altitude and give the same physiological adaptations? From what I know
One of the many gut issues that’s becoming increasingly more common in athletes and those who are overstressed is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO occurs when
We skipped the November webinar due to he Thanksgiving holiday (hope ya’ll had a good one and were able to relax, give thanks, enjoy loved ones and
Why are you not getting a period? Stress! Stress comes in many forms, and you may even be at a “normal” weight but still not get a
So, you have your blood test results in hand, but how to make sense of them? If your markers are in normal range, what does that even
I have a lot of folks ask what blood markers to test when getting lab work. Often doctors or even online services don’t do enough in-depth testing that I think is necessary,
1. Foam Roll Serratus Functional fitness is a huge priority for me, and one reason for my transition away from heavy endurance racing a few years ago was to