I have a lot of folks ask what blood markers to test when getting lab work. Often doctors or even online services don’t do enough in-depth testing that I think is necessary, especially for those of us who genuinely want to be health detectives, optimize wellness and leave no stone unturned. This list outlines the most important markers you want tested, so print it out and hand it to your doctor (fight for it if you must), naturopath, or another source that can get you these labs (if you have questions on this feel free to ask in the comments). Annual tests, or even bi-annual, are advised even if you’re “feeling pretty good” right now—it’s always good to have the data.

I will warn you: This may require quite a few vials of blood that gets taken. I’ve had up to 10 or more in the tests I’ve gotten. Just be sure to go in well-hydrated (you can drink water even when fasting) and stay relaxed. Your veins will “disappear” if you’re too tense.

For interpretation and making sense of your results, be sure to browse our “Optimal Ranges” article.

The Top 20

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Differential
  2. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
  3. Lipid Panel
  4. Glucose (fasting)
  5. Hemoglobin A1C
  6. Insulin (fasting)
  7. hsCRP
  8. 25-OH Vitamin D
  9. Homocysteine
  10. Vitamin B12
  11. Folate
  12. Creatine kinase
  13. TSH
  14. T3, Free
  15. T4, Free
  16. Ferritin
  17. Hemoglobin
  18. Iron, serum
  19. TIBC
  20. DHEA serum



  1. Reverse T3*
  2. Total T3*
  3. Total T4*
  4. Anti-thyroglobulin*
  5. Thyroid Peroxidase AB*
  6. SHBG—definitely get if you suspect testosterone issues
  7. Lipoprotein A—more in depth for cholesterol
  8. IGF-1
  9. Fibrinogen
  10. Magnesium
  11. Zinc
  12. Selenium
  13. Vitamin A
  14. Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)—often included in CMP

* If you suspect a thyroid issue or thyroid autoimmune condition definitely get #1-5


What About Hormones?

For sex hormones and cortisol, you can do this on blood labs, but the preferred method is to get a DUTCH urine panel or salvia test (email me to get one ordered). The urine/saliva tests are much more accurate and informative.

  1. DHEA serum
  2. Cortisol
  3. Testosterone, free—women too
  4. Testosterone, total—women too
  5. Estradiol—men too
  6. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
  7. Progesterone
  8. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
  9. Prolactin

*For #7-9, women only