Specificity is key, so actually the best strength training you can do for running would be things like hill repeats, running sleds, or the like. But research also clearly shows over and over that non-run strength training can vastly benefit running in a multitude of ways from reducing injury rates to increasing efficiency. I don’t like exercises or workouts that waster your time, so let’s go over how to build a good workout and some exercises that I’ve found to be extra beneficial for my athletes over the years.

If you have other exercises that have benefited your running, please share in the comments below!

Building a Workout

Generally it’s wise to include 3-5 exercises per session. The more “complicated” or heavy you go, the fewer exercises you need (less is more).  If you’re in season, then ST just 2x a week, and not more, is fine. In offseason or preseason that can boost to up to 4x a week.

  • If the goal is to increase raw strength and power, then go for more sets, lower rep count and heavier weights.
    • Eg) 3-5 sets, 3-6 reps at 80-90% IRM.
  • If the goal is to increase hypertrophy then stick to moderate sets, reps and load.
    • Eg) 3-5 sets, 6-12 reps, 65-85% 1RM.
  • If the goal is to increase muscular endurance, efficiency and economy, then go for a more traditional format of fewer sets, more reps, and moderate weights or bodyweight alone.
    • Eg) 2-5 sets, 12-20 reps, at <67% 1RM if using weights, or bodyweight/bands/TRX, etc.

Here are some of my favorite strength training (ST) exercises to boost your run. This is not an exhaustive list…


Exercises With Weights

  • Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs)
  • Single-leg RDLs – for an even harder exercise add a single-arm row holding weight in opposite side from planted foot
  • Deadlifts
  • Overhead squats
  • Squats – back, front, sumo, etc.
  • Split squat or Bulgarian split squats
  • Multi-directional lunges – try overhead walking lunges with a moderate weight for a good kick in the butt!
  • Sumo deadlift high pull
  • Runner’s arms – as it sounds, hold DBs and mimic the arms swing, good posture
  • Jackknives (core exercise)
  • SL deadlift
  • KB military press – try these on a single leg to make it more difficult
  • KB windmills
  • DB Step-ups and crossover step-ups
  • Turkish Get-ups


No Weights

  • Glut-Meds – possible the #1 exercise you should be doing
  • Side leg lifts, each side – get in a side-plank position and let the bottom knee rest on the ground. This one is all about glute activation! If you feel it more in your quads then shift leg back. Make sure shoulder, hip, toe are in a straight line.
  • Hip lifts – same position as side leg lifts (except, no knee resting on the ground), now doing repetitions of dropping and elevating just the hips.
  • SL bridges – each leg with heels close to butt and working on a reaching super high platform by firing those hammys/glutes
  • Lateral band walks – band goes around knees, and you push out (hello glutes!)
  • Single-leg balancing stick – work the posterior and form a T, not a triangle with toe pointing back not to the side and arms behind ears
  • TRX reverse lunge to knee drive + hop
  • TRX knee drives – high reps and fast movement
  • TRX knee tucks + pikes
  • TRX ham curls
  • Jump rope + single leg jump rope
  • Wobble board exercises
  • Single-leg toe touch
  • Single-leg squat (pistols) – use assitance as needed, such as TRX or a box
  • Step up & overs – hip/knee/toe alignment is key. Similar to the hurdle test in the FMS.
  • Back extensions and reverse hip extensions ON a stability ball – great posterior work, but if you have back issues be extra careful and gentle
  • Backward run
  • Knee to elbows
  • Pullups – upper-body strength is super important in running!
  • Inverted rows
  • Planks – and plank variations especially plank rotations where top arm reaches toward ceiling
  • Plyos (jumps)
    • Box jumps
    • Lateral box jumps
    • SL hops
    • Leaping
    • Lateral bounding
    • Deep squat jumps (TRX or free)
  • Battleropes – if you can get ahold of these then use ’em, they’re golden!