2016 Update: MAP has been renamed to PerfectAmino – same Great product, same trusted quality, and Same beneficial effects for athletes…

…But More tablets per bottle and cheaper price!!!



There are a lot of supplements out there and quite frankly many are probably crap and a gimmick that’s full of false promises. But every now and then there’s something extra special that comes along. This doesn’t happen often. In 2012, I learned about this amino acid supplement called Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP). It’s an all-natural, vegan protein supplement (pill form). I tried it. A month later I looked back at how things changed with my training, racing and overall well-being and I was convinced. I’m not alone here; I’ve seen my athletes, friends and family reap the benefits too! (Note: If you’d like to hear more about my personal success stories with MAP, as well as those of my athletes, shoot me an email and let’s chat!)


MAP Protein vs. Other Protein

Amino acid supplements are a dime a dozen these days. It’s comes down to quality though. What makes MAP special and unlike anything else out there is its unique pattern of essential amino acids that makes it more effective than any other protein source, including protein from food sources such as animals and otherwise. It took more than 20 years to meticulously develop this pattern of amino acids, and the end result is a supplement that has a 99% Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) for body protein synthesis. This means that of the protein available in MAP, 99% of it is converted to body proteins — to build/repair/maintain muscle, tissues, etc. It may not sound that shocking until you learn about the NNU in other sources: In comparison, food sources (animal proteins included) have an NNU of only 32% or less, and protein supplements (i.e. powders, etc) usually have 16% NNU or less! The rest of what isn’t used in those sources? It goes to waste! That waste is in the form of nitrogen catabolites, or toxic waste. Something you really don’t want while training or racing! Won’t kill ya, but not ideal.


Protein Deficiency

We may think we have adequate protein in our diets because we read labels and see how many grams we are “getting in,” and we can do the math to see if we’re meeting requirements — but in reality it’s not that simple. As a result, more people are protein deficient than you’d expect! Athletes are even more vulnerable to protein deficiency with the way we burn up and use calories, not to mention the fact that athletes NEED quality protein to perform well and be consistent. Speaking of athletes…


For the Athlete

You’re probably on my website because you are involved in endurance sports and/or care deeply about your fitness, health and well-being. So saying that MAP is 99% utilized is on thing, but what does that really mean? For the athlete:

  • Optimize muscle mass, strength and endurance.
  • Prevent neuromuscular fatigue during training and racing, so you can last longer without breaking down.
  • Prevent breakdown of your own proteins/muscle as an energy source.
  • Optimize muscle recovery during and after physical activity — aka train harder and more consistently.
  • Optimize digestion.


More on MAP

Some other cool things about MAP I like:

  • It’s absorbed within 23 minutes. This makes it, again, more potent than other protein sources, which take 3+ hours to absorb thus decreasing their effectiveness.
  • Plus it’s virtually calorie-free for those who are watching their intake. You can, of course, still consume other protein sources with MAP (try to do so separately). Other proteins work as a calorie source, but don’t rely on the grams you see on the label as an amount that you actually absorb!
  • It’s vegan/vegetarian, and free of gluten, soy, wheat, corn, GMO, dairy, fat, sodium, sugar, yeast, preservatives, etc. It comes from pea protein and programmed bacteria.


Click here to buy a bottle and feel the difference.


Or buy 6 bottles and save.


Heck, buy 12 bottles and save even more!



I love and believe in MAP so much that I chose to become an affiliate with Body Health, the company who supplies the supplement (and other great products I use like their excellent multivitamin). So, when you purchase please let them know Tawnee Prazak told you about MAP! You can thank me later. Also, feel free to contact me if you have additional questions!


More MAP resources

My podcast with Dr. David Minkoff on MAP from 1/18/13.

MAP FAQs (from the website)

1. Q: What is MAP™?

MAP™ is a dietary protein substitute that contains the MAP Master Amino Acid Pattern® (U.S. Patent No. 5,132,113) a unique pattern of essential amino acids in a highly purified, free, crystalline form.

2. Q: How was MAP™ discovered?

The discovery of the MAP™ is the result of 23 years of research by the International Nutrition Research Center (INRC), a leading research institution in the field of human nutrition.

3. Q: Does MAP™ comply with the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) labeling regulations?

Yes, MAP™ complies with the FDA’s labeling regulations. MAP™ does not require the FDA’s approval because it is a dietary supplement. Dietary supplements, in contrast to drugs, do not require the FDA approval but must comply with the FDA’s labeling regulations.

4. Q: What is the recommended use of MAP™?

MAP™ is recommended as a safe and effective substitute for dietary proteins.

5. Q: What is the composition of MAP™?

MAP™ contains the MAP Master Amino Acid Pattern® (U.S. Patent No. 5,132,113) a unique pattern of essential amino acids in a highly purified, free, crystalline form.

6. Q: What are amino acids?

Amino acids are the main constituent of dietary proteins.

7. Q: What are Essential Amino Acids?

Essential Amino Acids are nutrients that are indispensable for human life because they cannot be synthesized within the human body, therefore, they must be supplied through the diet.

8. Q: Are amino acids from animal or vegetable source?

Amino acids cannot be classified as either animal or vegetable. They are, simply, natural compounds.

9. Q: What does the Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) of a protein mean?

A protein’s NNU (%) is the unit of measurement for Body Protein Synthesis (BPS). It is the percentage of a protein’s constituent amino acids following the anabolic pathway to act as precursors for BPS. A protein’s NNU(%) can be calculated through a methodology known as “Body Nitrogen Balance”.

10. Q: What is the Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) of MAP™?

Clinical studies have shown that MAP™ provides a 99% Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU). This means that 99% of MAP™ constituent amino acids follow the anabolic pathway to act as precursors, or “building blocks”, for Body Protein Synthesis (BPS), thus becoming body’s constituent proteins.

11. Q: Is MAP™ made from animal sources?

No, MAP™ is not made from animal sources.

12. Q: Is MAP™ a natural product?

Yes, MAP™ is a 100% natural product.

13. Q: How long does it take to digest MAP™?

MAP™ is digested within 23 minutes from its ingestion.

14. Q: Is MAP™ better absorbed in tablet or powder form?

MAP™ can be easily absorbed in either tablets or powder form. However, during gastrointestinal disorders, MAP™ tablets should be ground into a powder to allow for better absorption.

15. Q: How long is MAP’s shelf life?

MAP’s shelf life is three years.

16. Q: Does MAP™ need to be refrigerated?

No. MAP™ does not need to be refrigerated. However, it should be kept in a dry place.

17. Q: Can MAP™ be altered by high temperatures?

MAP™ can be altered only through extremely high temperatures (above 280 degrees Celsius). Normal cooking, baking and boiling temperatures do not alter the nutritional value of MAP™.

18. Q: How many Kcal does MAP™ provide?

MAP™ provides only 0.04 Kcal/g. Therefore, its use is recommended to control calorie intake.

19. Q: Is MAP™ acidic or basic?

MAP™ is amphoteric, which means it can act either as an acid or a base in accordance with the pH of the surrounding medium.

20. Q: Does MAP™ contain any sodium?

MAP™, in contrast with any dietary protein or protein supplement is 100% sodium free. Therefore, its use is recommended during dietary sodium intake restriction.

21. Q: Does MAP™ contain any fat?

MAP™, in contrast with any dietary protein or protein supplement is 100% fat free. Therefore, its use is recommended during dietary fat intake restriction.

22. Q: Does MAP™ contain any sugar?

MAP™, in contrast with any dietary protein or protein supplement is 100% sugar free. Therefore, its use is recommended during dietary sugar intake restriction.

23. Q: Does MAP™ produce fecal residue?

MAP™, in contrast with any dietary protein or protein supplement does not produce any fecal residue. Therefore, its use is recommended during pre and post surgery periods, as well as, during episodes of diarrhea.

24. Q: Does MAP™ have any drug or food interaction?

No. MAP™ does not have any drug or food interaction. However, before taking MAP™ or other dietary supplements consult your physician.

25. Q: Can MAP™ cause any adverse reactions?

No adverse reactions have ever been reported.

26. Q: Does MAP™ have any contraindications?

The use of MAP™ does not have any contraindication.

27. Q: Is MAP™ considered a medicine?

No. MAP™ is not a medicine. It is a dietary supplement.

28. Q: What is the daily recommended dosage of MAP™ for an athlete to get the best results in the shortest time?

Even though individual dosage may vary according to nutritional status, age, gender, and the intensity and frequency of physical activity, the average suggested daily dosage should be:

• For the amateur athlete: 5 to 10 tablets of MAP™, 30 minutes before training, in conjunction with the daily requirement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

• For the professional athlete: 10 tablets of MAP™, 30 minutes before training, in conjunction with the daily requirement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. And an additional 10 tablets of MAP™ to be taken during the next meal (lunch or dinner).

29. Q: May protein supplements be taken with MAP™?

No. Protein supplements should not be taken in conjunction with MAP™. This may prevent: a lowering of BPS/min;an increase in the nitrogen catabolites; and an overloading of digestive functions. (*NOTE* you can still eat/consume other protein sources, just do so separately from MAP to maximize benefits. If you do combine, it won’t harm you just makes MAP less effective)

30. Q: Is it necessary to take vitamins, minerals and trace elements in conjunction with MAP™?

Yes. MAP™ should always be taken in conjunction with the daily requirement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

31. Q: What are the specific advantages of using MAP™ for an amateur or professional athlete?

Clinical studies have shown that MAP™ can substitute dietary proteins or protein supplements in a safer and nutritionally more effective way.

MAP™ provides a Body Protein Synthesis per minute (BPS/min) equal to 99% NNU/ 23 min. By comparison dietary proteins and protein supplements a BPS/min of 16-32% NNU/180-360 minutes. This means that the BPS/min of dietary proteins and protein supplements is 24 to 96 times lower compared to MAP™.

Therefore, the use of MAP™, during a physical activity, may:

• Optimize BPS/min;

• Optimize muscle mass, strength and endurance;

• Optimize muscle recovery period after physical activity;

• Optimize both intensity and duration of digestive functions.

32. Q: It has been said that during an athletic performance the use of MAP™ may optimize muscle mass, strength and endurance, and may minimize the muscle recovery period after physical activity, is that true for everybody?

Yes. Whether, you are 15 or 75 years old, an amateur or a professional athlete, you may experience positive results related to your muscle mass, strength and endurance. The results may vary, of course, according to your age, gender, health status, and the intensity and frequency of your workout.

33. Q: How long do you have to use MAP™ to be able to feel or measure positive results?

Results may vary. However, you may be able to feel or measure an increase in muscle endurance after the first or second time using MAP™ (in the suggested dosage). Meanwhile, you may be able to measure an increase in muscle strength after the first or second week using MAP™ (in the suggested dosage). Later on, by using MAP™, during physical activity, you may be experiencing, week after week, an increase in muscle mass, strength and endurance, joined with a shortened recovery period after physical activity. Eventually you may realize that this dramatic improvement is not the result of a “psychological effect” but has indeed been caused by a natural physiological effect.

34. Q: What is the difference between MAP™ and any dietary protein or protein supplement?

35. Q: Why is  the Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) of MAP™ unique?

36. Q: Why does MAP™ provide the highest Body’s Protein Synthesis (BPS) in comparison to any dietary protein or protein supplement?

37. Q: Why may MAP™ maximize BPS, thus optimizing muscle mass, strength and endurance?

38. Q: Why may MAP™ optimize physical activity and minimize the muscles recovery period after physical activity?

39. Q: Why is the use of MAP™ recommended to help to achieve the required BPS?

• MAP™ provides the highest Body Protein Synthesis (BPS) compared to any dietary protein or protein supplement.

Clinical studies have shown that MAP™ provides a 99% Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU). This means that 99% of MAP™ constituent amino acids act as precursors or “building blocks” for Body Protein Synthesis (BPS), to become body’s constituent proteins. Meanwhile, dietary proteins and protein supplements provide a BPS of 16-32% NNU. Therefore, dietary proteins and protein supplements provide a BPS that is 3 to 6 times lower, compared to MAP™.

• MAP™ may minimize both the intensity and duration of digestive functions compared to any dietary protein or protein supplement.

MAP™ is absorbed in the small intestine within 23 minutes from its ingestion. By comparison, dietary proteins and protein supplements need from 3 to 6 hours to be digested. This means that dietary proteins and protein supplements digestion period is 6 to 12 times longer compared to MAP™.

• MAP™ provides the highest BPS/min ratio compared to any dietary protein or protein supplement.

By knowing a protein’s BPS (NNU) and its digestion time(min), a protein BPS/min ratio can be calculated. Therefore, MAP™ BPS/min is equal to 99% NNU/23 min. By comparison dietary proteins and protein supplements have a BPS/min of 16-32% NNU/180-360 minutes. This means that the BPS/min of dietary proteins and protein supplements is 24 to 96 times lower compared to MAP™.

40. Q: Why, may the use of MAP™ be more health-preserving than dietary proteins or protein supplements?

• MAP™ releases the lowest amount of nitrogen catabolites (metabolic waste) in comparison to any dietary protein or protein supplement. MAP™ releases only 1% nitrogen catabolites (metabolic toxic waste). By comparison, dietary proteins release an average of 68% nitrogen catabolites. Meanwhile, protein supplements release 84% nitrogen catabolites. This means that dietary proteins or protein supplements release 68 to 84 times more nitrogen catabolites (toxic waste) compared to MAP™.

• MAP™ may minimize both intensity and duration of digestive functions.

• MAP™ is absorbed in the small intestine within 23 minutes from its ingestion. By comparison, dietary proteins and protein supplements need from 3 to 6 hours to be digested. This means that dietary proteins or protein supplements digestion period is 6 to 12 times longer compared to MAP™.

• MAP™ provides only 0.04 Kcal/g.

Therefore, its use during weight control, may be more health-preserving compared to dietary proteins or protein supplements.

• MAP™, in contrast with any dietary protein or protein supplement is 100% sodium free. Therefore, its use during dietary sodium intake restriction, may be more health-preserving compared to dietary proteins or protein supplements.

• MAP™, in contrast with any dietary protein or protein supplement is 100% fat free. Therefore, its use during dietary fat restriction, may be more health-preserving compared to dietary proteins or protein supplements.

• MAP™, in contrast with any dietary protein or protein supplement is 100% sugar free. Therefore, its use during dietary sugar intake restriction, may be more health-preserving compared to dietary proteins or protein supplements.

• MAP™, in contrast with any dietary protein or protein supplement does not produce any fecal residue. Therefore, its use during pre or post surgery periods or episodes of diarrhea, may be more health-preserving compared to dietary proteins or protein supplements.